COVID-19 Risk Management Strategies

Corona Virus
COVID-19 Risk Management Strategies

COVID-19 is certainly proving to be an infelicitous event for the industrial sector. It is considered to be a black swan that is causing higher concern over its impact on the industrial supply chain and distribution strategies. On 11th March 2020, The World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 as a pandemic calamity. The outbreak of this Coronavirus began from China and by this day, it has already infected the population of over 10 countries including Italy, India, the UK, and the US.

From November 2019 to March 2020, COVID-19 was claimed to be an epidemic in China, yet the massive outbreak of the Coronavirus across the globe has impacted global health and business sectors. China is a huge part of the global economy, this situation has impacted the global market on a large scale. The companies are under the threat of the depletion or termination of supply chain activities since the machine manufacturers cannot opt for Work from the Home system. The second week of March 2020 has been crucial for the companies, as many Chinese factories were sealed and workflow was terminated. China, being one of the most efficient suppliers of raw material, electronic components, and production essentials, the global market appears to be collapsing. This situation is taking its high toll on the industrial sector as it has already caused 938 Fortune 1000 companies to reconstruct their supply chain strategies. Therefore, one thing is foreseen to be straight that companies will have and are having a hard time with the impact of the Coronavirus on the manufacturing lines and supply chains.

Kiesler Machine, Inc. is a United States-based manufacturer established in 1984 and manufacturing heavy-duty hinges since 1999. We supply hinges for use in the medical industry, industrial and commercial hinges. Additionally, the company has been designing and delivering heavy-duty hinges for use in mission-critical applications across military and defense, security, HVAC, and other industries. Being a leading hinge manufacturer in United States, the company certainly is exposed to the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on its supply chain. Yet, Kiesler Machine, Inc. is handling the situation quite effectively. Their absolute professional and quality work strategies are helping them remain unaffected by the calamity.

The Steps Taken By Kiesler Machine, Inc for Handling Depletion in Supply Chain Efficiencies

Despite the challenges of supply chain, Kiesler Machine, Inc. has remained focused on minimizing the impact of the pandemic on its business and employees. The following steps taken by the company affirm the same.

    • Like any responsible business Kiesler Machine, Inc. understands that its employees are the backbone of its business. Therefore, they have taken optimum care to minimize the impact on employees. This step involves educating their employees about COVID-19, and healthcare regimes. Also, employees who have been feeling sick due to illness other than COVID-19 or who were having symptoms of viral fever and cough, which are not related to COVID, were provided sick leaves and recommended to stay at home. This was done to help them recover peacefully and to curb anxieties of other employees who might be fearing the pandemic.
    • Unlike many American companies, Kiesler Machine, Inc has been taking strategic production orders on a first-come-first-served basis. This has definitely helped the management prioritize its work schedules and minimize its risks.
    • The company has been following flexible supply chain strategies, which allow them to switch from one project to another without depleting the efficiency.
    • Kiesler Machine, Inc has been following Just-In-Time (JIT) production and inventory management for a long time. JIT is surely a great inventory management technique but at this crucial time, bulk and advanced production prove effective. By quitting JIT production and inventory management, Kiesler Machine, Inc has managed to keep supply chains engaged without running out of products.

In addition to this, you can contact the team at Kiesler Machine today to know about its production pattern and supply chain structuring during the COVID-19 crisis.

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